Notice 05-15-2024: Town of Belvidere Regular Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month unless noticed otherwise.

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Welcome to the Town of Belvidere!

Buffalo County, Wisconsin


First a little history about the Township - The Township was organized in the spring of 1855.

The name Belvidere is derived from the French and in English means "A Beautiful Garden".

The town is irregular in form and contains an area of about 303 square miles.  The terrain consists for the most part of high-rolling land, except on the west side where there is a level plain between the bluffs and the Mississippi River.
There are a few small valleys, the largest is Rose Valley. Valleys are generally black loam soil and very productive. Bluffs and highlands are of clay loam.

The Township is abundantly supplied with water from numerous streams, originating from springs.  There are approximately 31 miles of blacktop and crush rock roads within the Township.


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Find the answers you need!

Does the Town of Belvidere issue driveway permits?
YES. Effective JANUARY 1, 2010 Driveway permits for modifications or reworking of existing or new driveways that abut a TOWN ROAD are required. See here page for Ordinance passed December 9, 2009. Contact Deborah M Ruff, Clerk at (507) 450-1207 evenings after 6 pm to request an Application and Specification Booklet. (You can also download the Form)   Driveways that abut a County Highway are permitted by the Buffalo County Zoning Office. (See contact information above)    
Does the Town of Belvidere issue building permits?
NO. The Buffalo County Zoning office issues ALL Building Permits for any Town of Belvidere residents.   See or contact Buffalo County Zoning at (608) 685-6218 weekdays 8 AM to 4:30 PM.    
When are Town meetings held?
Regular Town meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Cochrane VFW Post 10406, 100 Michaels St, Cochrane Wisconsin at 7 PM. Meeting Notices and agendas are also published in the C-FC Recorder and this website.